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The jTEM project beans provides the means to auto generate a GUI to inspect objects that conform to the JavaBeans™ specification.
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The basic linear algebra system is a package that provides classes for integer, real, and complex matrices and vectors; which forward the actual calculations to the corresponding methods of the jTEM packages mfc and numericalMethods.
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The discretegroup package is a metric-neutral framework for working with the fundamental groups of 2- and 3-dimensional euclidean, hyperbolic, and spherical orbifolds and manifolds, with particular focus on a visualization link to jReality.
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The ellipticFunctions package provides a library for elliptic functions. Some of the most famous mathematicions of the 18th-century, like Abel, Gauss, Jacobi, or Weierstrass, contributed to this subject and opend a complete new field in mathematics.
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Software developed in Matheon F1 and continued by SFB DGD A1.
Koebe Polyhedra S-Isothermic Minimal Surfaces Conical Minimal Surfaces Alexandrov PolyhedraUpdated -
This package provides a 2D scene graph api based on the rendering capabilities of java.awt.Graphics2D.
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The java2dx package extends java2d by connecting java2d functionality with that of other jTEM projects (modelling, numericalMethods, jrworkspace, beans)
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The jgimmick package provides useful swing gadgets: a jog wheel and a timer control panel.
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jPETScTao is the name for a Java project, that tries to make a part of the functionality of two numeric libraries PETSc and Tao accessible for Java programs. It utilizes the JNI to achieve that. See
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jRWorkspace is a plugin based user interface SDK. Originally designed as a plugin system for jReality it has become an independent tool to build user interfaces of complex modular applications.