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A discrete differential geometry lab developed in the geometry group at TU Berlin.
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The basic linear algebra system is a package that provides classes for integer, real, and complex matrices and vectors; which forward the actual calculations to the corresponding methods of the jTEM packages mfc and numericalMethods.
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The ellipticFunctions package provides a library for elliptic functions. Some of the most famous mathematicions of the 18th-century, like Abel, Gauss, Jacobi, or Weierstrass, contributed to this subject and opend a complete new field in mathematics.
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JTerm is a swing component that roughly has the look and feel of a Unix shell window: You can type text to some prompt and after hitting Return the text is evaluated. You are shown the result and you are presented with the next prompt.
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The mathExpr library provides classes to parse and evaluate mathematical expressions.
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This package provides an abstract setting for creating and editing scenes needed for running mathematical or physical simulations. In the simplest case this could be a 2D vector graphics drawing application for creating 2D scenes of shapes or a 3D mo
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Geometry and discrete differential geometry library for python with visualization in blender. Developed in the geometry group at TU Berlin.
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A temporary fork of django-filer with loosened dependencies. For testing purposes only.
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Software developed in Matheon F1 and continued by SFB DGD A1.
Koebe Polyhedra S-Isothermic Minimal Surfaces Conical Minimal Surfaces Alexandrov PolyhedraUpdated -
The package numericalMethods is a collection of mostly standard routines providing numerical solutions for many common problems in algebra, calculus, and geometry.
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The projgeom package is a metric-neutral framework for working with Pluecker line geometry and Lie sphere geometry in their natural embeddings as Cayley-Klein geometries in projective 5-space.